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Standard T Slot Sizes

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STN T-slot nuts are used for setting up work on machine tools. They are also used with stud sets and have numerous applications on jig and fixture work. Note: Safety design tapped one thread short of going through to prevent stud from being screwed into table. T-Slots and T-Nuts - Metric Sizes Standard metric T-slots and T-nuts. Sponsored Links. Standard Metric T-Slots. Size s1 (mm) t1 (mm) a1 (mm) h1 (mm) M4: 5: 10 - 11.

Standards for T-slots

T-slots come in standard sizes. Needless to say things designed to fit in the T-slots are designed to fit these standard sizes. Similarly, the cutters designed for cutting T-slot are designed to cut standard size T-slots.

fig outline of a T-slot

Slot o pol deluxe mega jackpot. The key characteristic of a T-slot is its width. Of course this can be metric or imperial


Metric T-slots (all in millimeters)

A b B+ C C+ Hmin Hmax

6 11 +1.5 5 +1 13 11

8 14.5 +1.5 7 +1 18 15

10 16 +2 7 +1 21 17

12 19 +2 8 +1 25 20

Imperial T-slots (All in inches)

Standard T Slot Dimensions

diam of bolt width of slot depth of throatmax


Standard T-slot Sizes

1/4 9/32 3/8 1/8 9/16 1/2 15/64 13/64

5/16 11/32 7/16 5/32 21/32 19/32

3/8 7/16

1/2 9/16

5/8 11/16

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Standards for T-slots

T-slots come in standard sizes. Needless to say things designed to fit in the T-slots are designed to fit these standard sizes. Similarly, the cutters designed for cutting T-slot are designed to cut standard size T-slots.

fig outline of a T-slot

The key characteristic of a T-slot is its width. Of course this can be metric or imperial

Metric T-slots (all in millimeters)

A b B+ C C+ Hmin Hmax

6 11 +1.5 5 +1 13 11

8 14.5 +1.5 7 +1 18 15

10 16 +2 7 +1 21 17

Standard T Slot Sizes Guide

12 19 +2 8 +1 25 20

Imperial T-slots (All in inches)

diam of bolt width of slot depth of throatmax


1/4 9/32 3/8 1/8 9/16 1/2 15/64 13/64

5/16 11/32 7/16 5/32 21/32 19/32

3/8 7/16

Standard T Slot Cutter Sizes

1/2 9/16

Standard T Slot Sizes Tool

5/8 11/16

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